Xiplomacy: How Xi Jinping drives China’s global interactions in the New Year

Xiplomacy: How Xi Jinping drives China’s global interactions in the New Year 习式外交:习近平如何触动新年的中国全球互动 Through a series of phone talks, exchanges of messages and face-to-face gatherings in less than two months into the new year, Chinese President Xi Jinping and world leaders have shared ideas on how to promote common development and further foster their cooperation. 通过新的一年中不到两个月内的一系列的电话交谈、互发短信和面对面的会聚,中国国家主席习近平和各国的领导人分享了如何推动共同发展,并进一步促进同他们的合作。 BEIJING, Feb. 13 (Xinhua) — Less than two months into the new year, China has been on a push to step up bilateral ties with the world’s major countries and its partners in Europe, Asia and beyond. 在新年里不到两个月的时间里,中国已经在推动与世界各大国及其欧洲、亚洲等地区的伙伴国家之间的双边纽带关系。 Through a series of phone talks, exchanges of messages and face-to-face gatherings over the past weeks, Chinese President Xi Jinping and leaders of those countries have shared ideas on how to promote common development and further foster their cooperation. 通过过去几周的一系列电话交谈、互发短信和面对面的会聚,中国国家主席习近平和那些国家的领导人已经分享了如何促进共同发展,并进一步促进与他们国家的合作。

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