
车辆型号Model SX5255GYY8L434 平台Platform L3000 驱动形式Driving mode 8×4 版本Version 复合版Composed version 底盘 部分 参数Partial parameters of chassis 发动机Motor 型号Model WP7.270E31 功率Power(PS) 270 排放Emission 欧Ⅱ EU II 变速箱Gearbox 9JS119-铁壳Iron housing-QH50 前轴/车桥速比Speed ratio between Front axle /axle 4.8T前轴Front axle/11T MAN单级级铸造桥Single-stage casting axle-4.625 车架Frame(mm) 850×270(8+4) 轴距Wheelbase(mm) 4375+1400 车架前悬Front suspension of frame(mm) 1525 车架后悬Rear suspension of frame(mm) 2400 悬架Suspension 前后多片簧,两主片+两骑马螺栓 Various springs at front & rear suspensions, two main plates + two U-bolts 油箱Oil tank 400L铝合金 Aluminum alloy 轮胎Tire 10.00R20 其他配置Other configurations L3000驾驶室、液压主座椅、普通后视镜、单制冷空调、电动摇窗机、电动翻转、L3000保险杠、两级上车踏板、普通侧置空滤器、带防火帽、165Ah免维护蓄电池 L3000 driver’s cabin, hydraulic main seat, common rear-vision mirror, single refrigeration and air-conditioning, electronic window shaking machine, L3000 bumper bar, two-step pedal for get-on, common lateral air filter, with fireproof cap(flash hider), 165Ah maintenance-free battery. 上装 部分 参数 Partial parameters of upper loading part 罐体参数Tank body parameters 容积:18m³,设计压力:1.61Mpa,设计温度:50℃,水压试验压力:2.1Mpa,气密试验压力:1.61Mpa,腐蚀余量:1mm,罐体整体热处理,焊缝100%射线探伤,执行标准:GB150-2011,GB19905-2017 Capacity: 18m³, Designed pressure: 1.61Mpa,Designed temperature: 50℃,Hydraulic test pressure:2.1Mpa, Airtight test pressure:1.61Mpa,corrosion allowance;1mm,Overall heat treatment of tank body, 100% Radiographic inspection for welding seam, execution standard: GB150-2011,GB19905-2017 罐体Tank body 罐体形状Shape 圆形罐体Round 筒体材质及厚度Barrel material & thickness Q345,罐体厚度Tank thickness: 12mm 封头材质及厚度Sealing end material & thickness Q345,罐体厚度Tank thickness: 12mm 人孔 Man-hole DN450 上装附件Accessories of upper loading part 国产YQ15-5液化气泵(二级传动直连式) YQ15-5 Chinese liquefied gas pump (Two-stage direct-connecting transmission) 标配国产流量计Standard Chinese Flowmeter 加气卷盘(带自动回转)、15米加气软管(DN25) Gas feeding real(with automatic rotation), 15m gas feeding hose (DN25) 国产百分比液位计(位于罐体后补=部) Chinese level gauge (based on percentage) (situated in the rear part of the tank)

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